For this special series of products, we are the official distributor in Italy.
MELDIN® 7001, naturale
A thermosetting polyimide, MELDIN® 7001 is our unfilled base resin. This grade offers the maximum mechanical properties and high chemical resistance. The MELDIN® 7001 grade is idel for electrical and thermal insulating application. More ductile than ceramic, and lighter weight than metals, MELDIN® 7001 is a popular choice for structural parts in aerospace and other applications where metal replacement is desirable.
MELDIN® 7021
Our self-lubricating grade, MELDIN® 7021, has 15% by weight graphite fillers, encapsulating by the base polyimide resin. With its low coefficient of friction and high heat resistance (up to 900°F [482°C]), MELDIN® 7021 provides our customers the bees all-around choice for high temperature bearings, seals, and other low-wear applications.
MELDIN® 7022
With 40% graphite filler, the MELDIN® 7022 grade offers additional dimensional stabilòity and the lowest coefficient of thermal expansion of any MELDIN grade.
MELDIN® 7211, tipo con minor attrito
Il MELDIN® 7211 has 10% PTFE and 15% graphite filler, which provides our lowest coefficient of friction grade.
MELDIN® 7003
Il MELDIN® 7003 includes 15% molybdenum disulfide lubricating filler for wear application that operate in a vacuum or in very dry aconditions.